ignite your journey from classroom to boardroom.

CENTREP - The Centre of Entrepreneurship

A vibrant online community and a comprehensive AI-driven platform that ignites entrepreneurial potential. We are here to support ambitious minds like yours, helping you transition from knowledge to real-world success.

Join CENTREP! Be part of our vibrant entrepreneurship ecosystem and fast-track your journey toward successful business ownership. Your dream startup is just a click away!

Unleash Your Startup Superpowers:

Write Your Own Success Story

  • Start Here

    Take the first step.

    Click on the Startup Now button below and begin your entrepreneurial journey with CENTREP.

  • Get Inspired

    Stay ahead of the startup game.

    Discover, learn and get inspired from the successes and failures of other entrepreneurs.

  • Gain Knowledge

    Get a competitive edge.

    Access 40+ courses, expand your horizons, acquire knowledge, and become a well-rounded entrepreneur.

  • Discover Ideas

    Find business opportunities.

    Scan more than 1000 business and country challenges or research projects for ideas and opportunities.

  • Network

    Forge meaningful connections.

    Build your entrepreneurial ecosystem by connecting and networking with Academic Mentors / Industry Experts.

  • Startup

    Turn your startup dreams into reality.

    Start a business, validate your ideas, incubate, build your mvp, pivot and succeed.

  • Scaleup

    Take your startup to the next level.

    Grow your business across geographical boundaries and make it self-sustainable.

  • Rest and Relax

    Take care of your mental health.

    Listen to music, read books and get swag - all curated for entrepreneurs like you.

Consult SMARTSherpa™:

Your 24/7 AI Mentor for Success

Experience SMARTSherpa™, a unique AI mentor designed to guide aspiring entrepreneurs on their journey to success.

Startup now with the CENTREP community and let SMARTSherpa™ elevate your startup game.

Jasmine Lee, Founder @ Sakura Tech

“CENTREP transformed my entrepreneurial journey. Their comprehensive AI-driven platform empowered me to launch a successful business. SMARTSherpa™ rocks!”

Use The IGNITE™ Framework
Your roadmap to entrepreneurial success

  • Inspire

    ignite the passion within and be inspired to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

  • Grow

    build confidence by gaining knowledge across various domains, fostering well-rounded growth and an entrepreneurial skill set.

  • Network

    connect with a vibrant community of aspiring entrepreneurs, experienced academic and industry mentors, innovative technologists and sound investors, leveraging on their expertise to expand your professional network.

  • Innovate

    nurture and unleash the true potential of your ideas through incubation, AI and other innovative approaches, turning your concepts into impactful products or services.

  • Track

    use data to gain insights and track your startup progress, enabling data-driven decisions and continuous improvement.

  • Empower

    leverage an ecosystem, offering a wealth of resources and support on demand, empowering you to be a leader and a changemaker.

Featured Volunteer Mentors and Experts

  • Ben Chua

    President and CEO

    Cyber Youth Singapore

  • Guaya Melgar

    Co-Founder and CEO

    Mochi Solutions

  • M. Thiyagarajan

    Senior Lecturer

    Singapore Polytechnic

  • Rafael Alzate

    Incubation Manager

    Singapore Management University

  • M. Agung As'ari

    Founder and CEO

    Moo Brix

  • Clinton Li


    Hatch Dev Asia

Contact Us.

Are you an Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) looking to cultivate innovation and entrepreneurship on your campus? Look no further! CENTREP can help drive these objectives at your institution.

Fill out the form below to schedule a virtual demo and explore how we can benefit your campus. Our team will promptly reach out to arrange a tailored demonstration.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a vibrant culture of innovation at your IHL. Fill out the form today and take the first step towards transforming your campus!